Fraud Science And Technology

Gary Novak, Science Errors

A century and a half of fraud in physics culminated in greenhouse gases. Incompetent physicists missed the fact that absorbed radiation in the atmosphere is re-emitted in femtoseconds. They didn’t see the re-emission, because the wavelength changes to broadband frequencies which mix with all other infrared radiation obscuring its visibility on graphs.

There is 500 years of accumulated scientific knowledge that determines the result; but physics was overrun by incompetents over the past 177 years. Then know-nothings in journalism and organizations got involved and imposed the fraud onto the pubic with no criticism allowed and shoved real scientists out of view and often out of science.

There are endless contradictions with real science in the claim of a greenhouse effect in the atmosphere. One point is that radiation is emitted from a transparent gas so rapidly that the air can cool 20 degrees at nights. With energy being radiated that rapidly into space, it isn’t going to be trapped by carbon dioxide.

Another point is that only low frequency infrared radiation coming from the surface of the Earth can be absorbed by carbon dioxide. Such cold surfaces emit very little radiation for carbon dioxide to absorb. So the tiny amount gets completely absorbed by a small amount of carbon dioxide and more carbon dioxide cannot absorb more radiation. That means increasing carbon dioxide in the atmosphere does nothing.

That effect is called saturation. It was measured by real scientists more than a century ago. But the incompetents in physics were uninfluenced by the result, because they had acquired the purpose of mongering power in place of producing real science.

It is beyond disgraceful to allow know-nothings in journalism and organizations to promote propaganda on fake science and technology which is destroying energy and transportation systems. Real scientists and engineers used to explain the errors, but they were shoved out of the process by the know-nothings which society allowed to speak for scientists.

After the know-nothings convince the public of fraud being fact, incompetent physicists pretend to conduct a study which shows the effect. Their studies are nothing resembling real science. They use modeling which produces any desired result with nothing for scientific validity.

Renewable energy and electric vehicles hit a wall of absurdities long ago, while fakes pretend that forward progress is constantly being made. Renewable energy doesn’t mean unlimited supply. The low hanging fruit was gone long ago, while environments are ravaged.

No one can get past 15% renewables as wind and solar power, because fluctuations are too rapid and long-term for backups. At 15%, the cost of electricity increases by a factor of ten, as occurred in Germany and Britain forcing them to turn to coal and nuclear while lying to the greens to keep them off their backs. At 6% renewables, the cost of electricity in California increased by a factor of five.

Know-nothing frauds who have no background in science or engineering say the renewables are on par with coal. Besides making up fake numbers, they omit the transmission lines which would need to be increased by about a factor of 6,000 from the present state. The lines have needed to be increased for a long time, but it doesn’t happen due to the extreme expense and environmental damage. The lines can’t be doubled, let alone increased by a factor of 6,000.

There is six times as much energy being used in the form of fossil fuels as electricity, which means electricity would need to be increased by a factor of six to produce 100% renewables. Yet the fakes say a 25% increase would be needed for electric vehicles.

Then transmission lines would need to be about a thousand times as much length as presently exists, because renewables would need to be widely scattered, often thousands of miles from end users, while lines are presently eliminated by moving fossil fuels to the cities to generate the electricity.

Electric vehicles get equivalent of 5 to 10 miles per gallon, while ignorant bureaucrats claim they get an equivalent of 100 to 150 miles per gallon. Bureaucrats base their claim on the assumption that electric motors are 96% efficient. That assumption is beyond stupidity. No transformation of electrical energy into kinetic energy (what electric motors do) can be more than 40% efficient and is typically 25% efficient under operating conditions.

What happened is, someone took the resistive load of a motor, which is 3-5% of the energy, and claimed it was the total effect creating inefficiency, which left out the inductive load. Not knowing the difference between resistive and inductive load shows what a bunch of incompetents are imposing fraud onto the public.